Lunar Zee
Hello, My Name is Lunar Zee! Why don't you stay awhile?Chinese/American, Autistic, Art Hobbyist, Fic Author, Pokemon Trainer, Duelist
What are my Interests?
Pokémon (Games Mostly)
Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS(Arc -V and 5Ds to a lesser extent)
Pretty Cure
Dungeons & Dragons
Yume (Doubles Welcome)
Duel Links & Master Duel
Listening to Music (Kpop, OtaCore, Metal, Video Game OST, Musicals, Acapella)
World Mythology
+I have a dark sense of humor so please take any content warnings on those types of jokes seriously. See below.+If you see *cw:// -topic- * For anything I post, be very careful before continuing to read or view. Please understand that this is here out of respect for my viewer's comfort.+I try to keep things PG-13 on my main account.Things to keep note of
+Activity on anything outside of Discord is often sporadic. I am working a full time job and have other things to take care of in my life. I don't have the time or energy to invest in Social Media Drama.
+I have no tolerance for Haters or Trolls. Just move along if you don't like the stuff I post. (See the DNI section and the next point.)
+As long as you're respectful and don't fit any of the DNI criteria, you can interact with me.DNI
META Elitists
Genwunners & New Genners
P3dos, Zoos, N3cros (You get the idea...)
Non-sharing Yume for any of the characters I ship my OCs with (You can find the list below.)
AmourShippers (Stay the Hell away from me.)
Toxic Genshin Impact Fans (To you Level-headed fans/players, Keep it up!)Ship Preferences
+DatastormShipping (Kougami Ryoken/Revolver X Fujiki Yusaku)
+ RelicWingShipping (Kasey [OC] X Hop)
+DNKB (Leon X Raihan)
+KalosShipping (Calem X Serena)Yume Ships
+CloudyCrystalShipping (Vio [OC] X Rika)[Pokemon]
ResilienceShipping: Steven Stone X Artemis (OC) X Wallace [Pokemon]
+PrismThunderShipping (Kasey Liu [Aka VRAINS Kasey/Prismatic] X Jin Kusanagi) [Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS]
+RadiantRebellionShipping (Yuto X Kouki Kanbara [OC])[Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V]
+RadiantRaptorShipping (Kouki Kanbara [OC] X Shun Kurosaki)[Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V]More TBAThings that I stand for(that are apparently controversial for some <- (SNARK))
+ FREE PALESTINE. It's not antisemitic to hold Israel accountable for their crimes. This is no longer a war or 'conflict.'
+ People can't always control how they feel.
+ Sometimes Healthy coping mechanisms mean creating artwork, writing, etc. to express the pain the creator is feeling.